Recently around here

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So as some of you may have seen we announced some rather lovely news that I've been keeping quiet for the past few months. But before I go into all that I thought I'd share just a few glimpses into what we've been up to lately.

 With me not feeling so great we have tended not to venture too far from but luckily the sun has made an appearance quite regularly and we've been trying to spruce up our garden and spend our weekends there. I love how in the summer the garden adds a whole extra room to your home, being able to eat outside and of course have the space to play. The garden in our house is pretty big, the biggest we've had so far, and even though it was left to go a bit wild we've been attempting to tame it since we moved in. I'd like to say it's getting there, but it's just a never ending job! We'll work on it one weekend and have it looking a little more under control, but a week or two of rain and sun later and it's back to it's wild state!

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But we've been enjoying it all the same with bbq's and afternoons in the paddling pool. We decided to upgrade a few of Theo's outdoor toys, as so far we have been extremely lucky to inherit all our garden toys from very kind neighbours, but were nearing the end of their life! We decided to get a bigger trampoline (and my god its big!) as well as a large paddling pool, with enough room for two or three to play in - and luckily before the heatwave struck and everywhere promptly sold out! So whilst it may not be that nice out today, we're looking forward to more lazy days in the garden soon. 

Anyway here's a little video of our time in the garden!

This post was written in collaboration with #asdaoutdoors


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