Montessori at home : In the kitchen

So I thought I'd do a little mini series, inside this mini series...

Theo and I like to spend time in the kitchen and I'm keen for him to be comfortable using a number of different tools and equipment. So in a few posts we'll try and cover the things we use regularly, and the way I try and encourage the 'practical life' element.

I needed to make Theo's packed lunch for nursery and Theo always wants to be involved, so we decided to make egg mayonnaise! After boiling the eggs for him (not really confident about the boiling water part yet!) and cooling them down he set about peeling them, then using the egg slicer (his favourite tool) to chop them up. Then a little seasoning and mixing. I then supervised the use of the sharp knife to cut his roll, then he buttered it. Finally he spooned out the egg mixture into his roll! It was a simple task that used a variety of skills, and produced something that he was proud of and could tell his friends at nursery that he had made himself! 


  1. We love doing things like this at home, these photos are lovely and yummmmmm egg mayo!


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