forty / fifty - two

So yeh I know I've posted seven, yes seven, different portraits of pretty much the same thing, and it's "supposed" to only be one, but what of it? 

I love this mini impromptu photo shoot we had down at the docks, Theo and Rob playing on the tracks (of the disused line!) climbing in trucks and playing with the signals whilst we waited for chips from The Buttery. It was a perfect day spent in what I think is probably my favourite part of Bristol, with my sister and visiting friend Jonny. I love the calm business of the docks. People out walking, stopping to sit by the river and watch the world go by. Nobody seems in a hurry, and people are there just to enjoy it. It makes me feel like I belong, that I'm part of the city. So I couldn't choose, I love each expression and moment, and to be honest I'm so in love with Theo's Donna Wilson jumper that I just have to see it lots of times! 


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