the journey east

so this week has been quiet on here as it's been a little cray cray over here! It suddenly dawned on me that Christmas was only a week away, and I'd even forgotten that it's my birthday on Sunday...not something that would have happened a few years ago, let me tell you. (oh the perils of being a self sacrificing mother...)

I had to rush off to my Mums for a flying visit so I could fix and pick up my car (goodbye money) but we had fun decorating her Christmas tree and doing some shopping. Then back to Bristol for some last minute organising and errands, before we pack up the car today and head back East to my hometown and to visit my family. I did manage to squeeze in seeing my friend who is back for the holidays from Berlin, before she heads off to New York for 6 months living the dream (I'm very jealous) and then went out on a "work" night out with a couple of my mum friends. Well it wasn't a night out, more like a few quiet drinks in a pub next to the fire, but was lovely to chat properly without having to run off every two minutes. We even got heckled from a car driving by asking us to do something obscene....still got it obviously ;) Rob even gave up his opportunity to go on his work's Christmas party so I could go out, what a romantic!

I'm looking forward to going back to my hometown, and visiting some of my old haunts. We're all very excited to go on the mini steam train that I remember so vividly doing when I was a child too. It definitely feels like the start of Christmas, and the start of the holidays and relaxing. Rob's off now until the beginning to January, such a treat!

Anyway I hope to drop in over the next few days, but happy holidays to everyone!


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