National trust

 When I was young I was dragged taken around National Trust and English Heritage properties and gardens all the time. I have mixed memories and feelings about them, I loved the gardens and running around in the sunshine, the activities and looking around the houses, but sometimes I remember feeling bored at the endless amounts of rooms to look at, where you couldn't touch anything. I wanted to explore properly, and explore the whole house, find the secret passage ways and staircases, see all the bedrooms and the kitchen. I wanted to lay on the beds and sit at the elaborate dining tables...but of course you never could.

But now I love going to National Trust places, I can't wait to take Theo to many different ones and watch him run around in the amazing grounds. When we go I like to pretend that I'm going to view the house as if I were buying it, and talk about the size of the rooms and the decor I would change or keeps me amused anyway! Not that the places don't amuse me enough, I love looking at all the furniture and antiques, and imaging how it was to live there, but sometimes its good to be a little silly right?!

Anyway, on Sunday I decided last minute to go to my Mums, and since the weather was so nice I wanted to spend the day outside. We decided to go to Brockhampton Estate in Herefordshire, which isn't too far from my Mum's house. The drive over there is pretty spectacular, and especially with the autumn colours all around. The scenery is amazing, with dramatic hills and valleys, providing you with sweeping views across the land. It really is such a beautiful part of the Country, and it never fails to impress me, I saw a house nestled into the hillside, facing out to the most breathtaking views, I put that in my dream house folder in my brain and said one day.

 When we arrived at the estate we had to drive down the mile and a half drive way that weaves it way down the hill, which was very pretty!

The Estate itself is quite small compared to some of the other places I've visited in the past, but it certainly doesn't lack in beauty or charm!

After we looked around the house we wandered over to the courtyard, where they were pressing some local apples and making ciders...mmmmm. We ate some delicious ice cream, (damson and sloe gin) and toffee apples, and I bought Rob some lovely looking local ale.

Suddenly it was time to leave, and unfortunately we didn't make it to the tearooms at the top of the drive, and I've been informed that the scones are delicious! Next time!

On the way home we enjoyed more amazing views, and drove through some pretty villages. It's nice to be driven sometimes so I can actually fully relax and appreciate the views going by.

It was a great day out, and was really cheap, especially as you don't have to pay for children until they are over 5, unlike other places where you suddenly have to start paying a ridiculous amount when they hit two (cough bristol zoo cough (£9!))

Next year I think we'll definitely invest in a membership for Rob and I, and on those days where we don't have anything to planned, and are stuck for ideas we can hop in the car and go visit a near by site. I hope that Theo builds happy memories of visiting these places, as I do have happy memories really!


  1. Oooh such lovely pictures!

    Especially of mumma Carol and Theo.

    I'll have to make sure to visit one day, xxx

  2. I remember getting dragged around these kinds of places as a kid too and now I LOVE them!

    1. I know it's so funny how that happens? Give me a national trust over a night club any day!

  3. Just popped over to say hello....and SNAP! I live in Bristol and my parents live in Hertfordshire! I'll have to visit when we're next there - I'm always looking for interesting things to do when we're up there. Lovely pictures too.

    1. They live in Malvern which isn't far away at all, all that area is such a beautiful place to live (and visit!) I recommend going!

  4. I'm the same! I love the National Trust - so different when you're a parent. They're just such great places for kids. And hi by the way - found you via Instagram, as you do! x

    1. Hi! Thanks for popping over! It's strange how things like that switch and change isn't it? Like its written in the 'becoming an adult handbook' you must love national trust!


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