
 We're back after a little trip to Devon again, where Theo and I went to stay with Rob's Grandparents whilst Rob went on a stag do. The weekend consisted of walking to the sea front, looking in charity shops, watching trains, visiting a garden centre leisure park, riding on a mini steam train, petting some animals, watching a steam train, looking at more trains, playing with trains and tractors...did I mention that a lot of trains were involved?!

We had a lovely relaxing weekend, and it was great to get so much fresh seaside air. Theo learnt how to say Grandpa too, which is great but he still refuses to say Mummy or Granny...

On Friday before we went our separate ways Rob and I visited a wedding venue...and I think we're pretty sold on it. I've already started to work out logistics and plan bits in my head, and have gone a bit mad on pinterest...There have been so many wedding anniversary's floating around the internet recently, and it makes me so excited to get married and to share that happiness!                                                                       


  1. Replies
    1. I know! It's getting pretty excited, will have to chat soon about it!

  2. What lovely pictures!!
    Bug can say everyone else's name, including his brothers, but STILL won't say mine, even though he can! x

    1. Ah so upsetting! I'm sure it's because they're around us all the time so don't need to say it! (wishful thinking!)

  3. All I hear all day is daDDDDDDYYY.
    So excited to follow your wedding planning... can I interest you in a lovely dress, only worn once ;-)

    1. Haha its terrible isn't it?! If we're at home theo will say daddy, and look for him every time he hears something outside, it's sweet, but makes me jealous haha!

  4. Ooh loving the blue hues... xxx

    PS. I'm running a wedding board for my pal on Pinterest too.. We can steal pins from each other! xxx


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