time flies

Time really does fly when you are having the best time. I'm back, as soon as it came around, it is over.

I still feel like I can't really process what just happened over the last few days, but I can assure you I had possibly one of the best, funnest, loveliest weekend's I have ever truly had.

It rained, it was sunny, we danced, we walked, we hugged, we drank, we cried, we declared our love, we got covered in mud, we ate good food, we smiled, we sang, we were contented, we lazed, we slept, we saw incredible music, we were moved, we gazed at the mountains and we laughed and laughed.

I felt indescribably blessed to be in the company of the best people I could possibly ever know.

I will be back later, hopefully with more photos, but right now I need to go and pick up and give the biggest hug to a certain little boy....


  1. Give the certain little boy an even bigger hug for me from his Grandad it's been an even loooooonger time since I did that.


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