The haircut part II

So I did it, I got my hair cut! Thanks for all the advice and comments on what to do, of course I decided to go for a bob, my personal inclination and definitely what the masses (well not masses, a few people) said I should do. It's not really short, but I'll see how it goes and may cut it shorter in a bit, who knows! But for now this will do as a nice, very much needed change!

Whatd'ya think?


  1. Like it lots, it really suits you
    Dad xx

  2. LOVE it! well done - so nice. really thickened it up. i reckon you could go shorter next time too - take it off the shoulders...good first step though! i'm jealous. i want a curly bob!!! S xoxo

  3. I LIKE IT! Great do! Would love to hang out next week! Message me when you are free. Have missed you guys! X

  4. Good call on the haircut, it looks great!


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