The sick house

Sorry for my absence, but Theo has been one sick little boy this week.

Because of his cold (that's lasted about 3 weeks now) he reached that mucus stage and at night keeps on puking up. On Monday night he was waking up and being sick every 30 minutes or so, meaning we both had no sleep whatsoever. So this week has passed in a zombie haze.

He seems a little better this morning, and I miss my little boy. I haven't seen a proper smile for a few days now, and all he does is crawl around whingeing until I pick him up. He then just wants to be on me all day. Yesterday he even fell asleep on me when I was sitting down, which never happens, so he must really be ill!

It's scary and sad when they are ill, and I hate to see my little bub suffering. All of his top teeth are now through, which is a relief, because they have caused ALL OF THIS.

On Sunday we had a super super busy day. First was my lovely friend's Jess's dedication for Oli, for which we provided the cakes for. (only a little bit of last minute stress) I then had to drive down to Bournemouth to meet Rob from his cycle ride, (which you can still sponsor him for)

Because Rob is such a mean machine on the bike, he finished an hour ahead of schedule, but I left an hour later than I should've done. He came 3rd out of 300! On his first ever proper bike ride like this, I was proud to say the least. It was a tiring day, for both of us, but we tried to have a little trip to the beach, that wasn't that successful.

Hair clip made by the wonderful Sarah of MaMagasin

After this we had an epic journey home, that didn't end very well. Just another lesson to not try and do too many things in one day!

Rob had the next day off too, and we spent it doing absolutely nothing! Which was great, but all too soon it was time for Rob to go back to work. But in a few weeks we are going on a very cheap holiday to Devon, to visit his grandparents and friends. I'm looking forward to it so much. These last few weeks have been pretty tough.


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