Gender reveal! We're having a....

BOY! Yes that's right, we're having another little boy! I never imagined I'd be the mother of two boys, but there we go. In the beginning of the pregnancy I thought I was having a girl, just because the pregnancy was going so differently to how it did with Theo, but perhaps that was just my body knowing something wasn't quite right..who knows. But as time went on I just had an inkling that it was another boy, and I was right! We couldn't be happier!
Theo has taken some getting used to the idea as he was convinced it was a girl and that he wanted a sister. Many of his friends who have had siblings in the last year or so have all had sisters, so I can imagine he wanted the same...we've been trying to convince him on the merits of having a brother and I think he's coming around. The other day whilst we were in the bath he whispered to my tummy that he loved the baby, so that's something!
I honestly didn't mind what we were going to have as I'm intrigued either way to see what the baby will be like, but I just find it hard to imagine a baby boy that isn't Theo, or doesn't look exactly like Theo did. I guess if you are having an opposite sex it makes it slightly easier to imagine a different child...if that makes sense?!
Anyway, we're happy that we know and can start imagining our future a little more now and start planning for all that will happen when he arrives in January.

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