three / fifty - two

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Another weekend, another walk in the woods. As soon as we stepped amongst the trees the first thought was to of course play hide and seek. We ran between the trunks and hid behind dens and banks calling out in whistles and coos to give clues to our location. 

We're trying to make the most of the winter sun staying out till our hands have nearly turned blue, then wrapping them round mugs of hot steaming chocolate. 


  1. Beautiful photo, that winter light is just perfect! I love his scarf too, is it Donna Wilson? Laura x

  2. I love this shot of Theo he looks so inquisitive! Perfect way to end the day chocolate mmmm x

  3. love the photo! walking in the woods is the best :)

  4. I love a walk on a Sunday, it makes the hot chocolate taste even sweeter x

  5. We did a walk in the woods today too. The beauty almost made up for the fact that it was freezing. Not that my 3-year-old companion seemed to mind!

  6. Oh such a great capture and nothing beats a good walk in the woods

    Laura x


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