thirty - three / fifty - two

- A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2014 -

He may not look it, but he was pretty proud of the hat he made himself and wore it for the whole rest of the day. We spent such a good weekend at Greenman festival, camping and spending some proper family time together. I hope he treasures the experience as much as we do! 


  1. Adorable! I bet he attracted many an admiring glance :-)

  2. What a brilliant top hat!! He looks so sweet!

  3. Ah it's amazing and he looks adorable in it! x

  4. That's quite the top hat - love it! I've heard of Green man festival but don't know much about it. I think some friend of ours went this year, it looks good for kids too.

  5. i've wanted to go to greenman for years! he's looking super cute in that hat!

  6. so cute! I love the colours in this pic, was it the particular camera you used or a filter? x

  7. Oh I love this and I bet he was really proud, so happy to hear you had a good time at Greenman and I cannot wait to hear more about the welsh homegrown festival :)

    Laura x


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