postcards from Barcelona (2)

A few snapshots from the weekend spent leisurely wandering the bustling, sloping majestic streets of Barcelona. We visited an independent print and illustration fair, rode the funicular railway, gazed up at tall buildings, meandered between families and locals out walking in the fair evening weather, visited the flea market, played with water fountains, ate burgers, stopped for coffee and took in the view over the whole city, listening to brass bands pass like ants below.

Take me back!


  1. I really wish you were here with bby theooo. Miss you both so much

  2. barcelona looks lovely! love the photos as always :)

  3. Ah I really want to go! We lived in Spain in 2007 but never made it there, have to go back! x

  4. stunning pictures! I love Barcelona! makes me excited to go back with Wilf some time! x

  5. Beautiful photos and that independent print fair looks like it was really good! I can almost feel the warmth in the air from these photos, I love Barcelona, such a vibrant city

    Laura x

  6. all these beautiful photos are making me yearn to go traveling!


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