a weekend in Brighton

A few weeks ago (yes I'm very behind!) we took a trip to Brighton over the bank holiday weekend to visit family and friends. It had been over a year since we'd last visited, and the city by the sea was pulling us back.

We arrived on the Sunday to glorious sunshine, and met our friends at their new home. After a little lunch we strolled to the nearest park for a play and a good old catch up. We then headed to the seafront and a visit to the pier, something we didn't have chance to do on our previous visit! 

Both the pier and seafront were ridiculously busy with everyone out enjoying the warm weather. I was determined to show Theo the pier and relive my childhood memories of running over the slats peering at the sea below. We let him have a go on a few rides, the carousel and the helter skelter, but steered clear of the heaving arcades, however strong the lure of the 2p machines were! 

After we'd had our fill of the pier we escaped the crowds and walked to find a quiet spot to sit, chat and have a drink whilst Theo napped. 

The rest of our trip was spent dodging rain whilst we browsed in the toy, comic and vintage shops of the lanes, met with friends for coffee and visited a very soggy fete. It's not often I say this but in hindsight I'd wish we'd visited the Sealife centre, and perhaps planned our day a little better! 

But fear not, Brighton, we will be back! 


  1. Such lovely pics, I haven't been to Brighton for ages! x

  2. I love Brighton, I used to live in West Sussex for a while when I was growing up and I can remember my dad always taking us. I need to go back! x

  3. I blimmin love Brighton, its my 'if I won the lottery' places I'd want to move to! x

  4. Oh this really makes me long for a Brighton weekend break - I use to visit it quite often but neither of us have been there since having Mr A - love your photos and it sounds like Theo had a great time

    Laura x


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