Like father like son

It's funny observing your own child change and grow. On seeing new facial expressions emerge and others fade away as time goes on. It's a strange sensation when you see your own face mirrored in that of your child's and to see familiarities through the generations.

I have always thought that Theo had a lot of me in him, especially when he was a baby and a little older  but that was until we went through some photographs of Rob, at around the age Theo is now. I was astonished at how similar they looked and am intrigued to see what likeness will continue into the future.

Its fascinating to imagine how Theo will grow and change in the future, and whether he'll continually swing between looking like me and back to Rob. Whether he'll have dark hair or keep his blond, how tall he'll be, whether he'll develop moles like his dad or freckles like me. Will he grow to love his features or whether he'll consider mole removal like his uncle or have to seek the help of a dermatologist like me to try and combat eczema. Will he be athletic and a sprinter like his mumma, or into football like his dad? I don't know how he's going to change, but I'm fascinated to see!

I also know that however he grows and changes he will grow up learning that image isn't everything, and that beauty comes from a far deeper place than his appearance. Hopefully we will show him how to be comfortable in his body and feel confident, and that sometimes it's ok to want to change, but making that sort of decision takes a lot of thought and research especially about mole removal cost. Above all I just want him to grow into the person he wants to be and to know he'll always be loved whatever he chooses.

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  1. Wow re those photos of Rob? That is insane how similar they look! Great post lovely x

  2. wow, he looks SO similar to his dad! also, those cute little rosy cheeks, aah!

  3. Oh my goodness they look like identical twins!! x

  4. they look so much alike!! it's funny seeing how much our kids resemble us isnt' it?!

  5. That dumbo top is amazing! That is such a wonderful photo, hehe :)

  6. That photo of Rob on the sofa... so so similar... and not even the decor or faded look give it away.

  7. fascinating, isn't it, watching them change and seeing all the past generations of the family appearing at various stages.

  8. Oh wow they do look really similar!!! Thats amazing. I didn't think my little one looked like either of us but I found a picture of me as a toddler the other day I can see similarities I didn't see before, really interesting

    Laura x

  9. That's incredible how similar they are!! Insanity!


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