montessori at home

This week we played shopkeeper quite a bit, a personal favourite of mine when I was little (and in fact I still have a slight obsession with tills!) Whilst obviously not a strictly 'Montessori' practice, it's still good to remember that such games encourage role-playing, turn taking and concentration all whilst having a fun game!

We'd take it it turns to be the shop keeper, asking the customer what would you like to buy today, then we would select a few items on display and give them to the shop keeper to beep through the till then tell the customer how much it is. We're not so concerned with recognising actual money value at the moment, but playing shops is a good way of teaching what different coins are worth and of course counting. So far we stuck to simple amounts as 1- 10, 20, 30 ect and just pretended to give the right amount and occasionally some change!

These past few weeks we've also been playing the memory game 'Kims game' or what we like to call the 'what's missing game'!

We placed a few random items on a tray, then I asked Theo to name them one by one. After he did so we placed a cloth over them and Theo closed his eyes whilst I removed an item. Then we took the cloth away and he had to tell me which item was missing. If he was struggling we would go over and name the items that were remaining and see if we could remember the missing one. It's such a great simple game using memory and naming objects. We then took it in turns and Theo took an item, but he always has the habit of telling me what he's taken! You can obviously make it easier or harder by the amount of objects that are there!


  1. I'm coming to live at yours. Best games ever x

  2. Oh I love the idea of the memory game, I might try that with E this week x

    1. It's really simple but such a good idea, we played it for quite some time!

  3. i'm really intruiged my montessori, and i love seeing the ideas that people come up with to help their children learn.

    1. It is a really interesting approach, and a lot of it is sort of natural and common sense, but it is great to get inspiration!

  4. we love playing that memory game... the kiddos are way better at it than me!

    1. haha, yeh I'm not sure my memory is up to much at the moment! Good for a challenge for you then too!

  5. I remember this game from Sesame Street with the dogs? Remember that?

    1. No?! Maybe I missed out on some childhood right of passage, but I don't remember seeing that on Sesame Street! Might have a little research though, not me for but for Theo...uh hum...

  6. Such good ideas. I remember doing the memory game when i was younger and will be doing this with my girls :) x

    1. Thanks! Glad you'll be trying it, I'm sure they'll love it too!

  7. I remember playing both of these with Ben when he was younger - the memory game is a classic! Love the retro till too :)

    1. I remember playing it when I was little too! A good charity shop find!


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