Strawberry fields
A few weekends ago, (I know I'm so behind!) we decided to take a little impromptu trip to pick some strawberries. After a Saturday of running around doing chores and gardening we thought it would be nice to go someplace new as a family for a few hours on a Sunday. After some inspiration from Sarah via instagram I searched for somewhere where we could pick our own strawberries..and that's where I came across Chosen Hill Farm in Somerset.
We left at lunchtime and after passing through many a beautiful village and hamlet, we stopped for a pub lunch in the baking afternoon heat. After our refreshment we drove just a little further until we found our farm with its wide range of picking delights.
For me, summer is not complete without a trip to a pick-your-own farm. It’s the stuff of childhood memories; walking through row upon row of ladened plants, the air tinged with heady sweetness. Even though it's been a while since I last went proper fruit picking, other than foraging for wild blackberries or harvesting cherries from neighbourhood trees, it is something that I would love to do every year as a family.
We spent a good hour between the rows, inspecting and carefully selecting. It turned into a game of who could find the most perfect strawberry, of colour shape and size. And of course taste, you have to have a little taste of your treasure, and I'm sure Theo had a little more than a tastes worth!
After we had filled our baskets with enough strawberries to make ourselves sick with, we headed to inspect the raspberries which sadly weren't quite ready, but picked some broad beans for our tea instead! We had our fruit weighed in the farm shop and cooled off in the shade with an ice cream before making our way home with a tired, hot and belly-full-of-strawberry toddler.
We left at lunchtime and after passing through many a beautiful village and hamlet, we stopped for a pub lunch in the baking afternoon heat. After our refreshment we drove just a little further until we found our farm with its wide range of picking delights.
We spent a good hour between the rows, inspecting and carefully selecting. It turned into a game of who could find the most perfect strawberry, of colour shape and size. And of course taste, you have to have a little taste of your treasure, and I'm sure Theo had a little more than a tastes worth!
After we had filled our baskets with enough strawberries to make ourselves sick with, we headed to inspect the raspberries which sadly weren't quite ready, but picked some broad beans for our tea instead! We had our fruit weighed in the farm shop and cooled off in the shade with an ice cream before making our way home with a tired, hot and belly-full-of-strawberry toddler.
These pictures are just beautiful! We love strawberry picking!