getting out there!

Here are a few pictures to round up our eventually busy week, according to my phone:


So after what started out as a week with no plans and the possibility of me going mad, I pulled myself together, and did actually get out of the house. On Tuesday I went to an under ones playgroup, which even though Theo is nearly one, he enjoyed and wasn't really too big for. I spoke to a few mums there, the usual small talk chit chat...and a few told me about another group on a Friday at the community centre.

On Wednesday Rob had the day off, and I went to my usual singing class with my friend Jess. That was really fun, as Theo knows the lady well now and feels totally comfortable there, and I can just relax. We have been going to the class since Theo was about 4 months old I think, so she has seen him change and grow, which is lovely. He even took some steps towards her when we were there, it was all very exciting! Rob and I had then had a wander around and had some food, whilst Theo slept nicely.

Yesterday was a super busy day too, I went over to Gloucester Road to meet with my (only) friend from my antenatal group, to go check out another play group. This one was so busy! But Theo yet again had so much fun. As soon as we get there I put him down and he's off, without a second glance back to me. I of course follow him about to check he's not getting into mischief or getting hurt by the older children (they can be mean to babies!) but other than that he doesn't really interact with me at all! I think it's great that we both get a little break from each other, as I'm sure he gets pretty bored with me too! In the afternoon I then headed off to my friend Amy's daughters 1st birthday party. It was fun to catch up and have a little play, but by the end I think Theo was seriously tired out...

But today was a new day, and off we went again, to two more baby groups! (All the play groups I have been to have either been free for the 1st one or all the time, so it hasn't cost me a penny!)

I know sometimes play groups, or mum and baby groups get a bit of stick and people are put off by going, but for me they are a great reason to get out the house, especially if they are in walking distance and free. Yes sometimes you have to have the same conversation over and over with people (how old is your baby, how does he sleep blah blah) but really I have never really met a nasty/bitchy mum at any of the groups I've been too, and if I do meet a mum who isn't my cup of tea, then I guess next time we probably won't really talk, or just try a bit harder. But it's fairly easy to go along by yourself (which for me is always daunting as I can be pretty shy walking into a new place and knowing no-one) because you are always made to feel welcome. Talking to the other mums is great as you all have a common interest, so there's no real awkward first conversation. There is a lot of small talk, and it can get a bit tedious, but sometimes it's ok just to talk about these things, because at least you are out the house and actually talking to people! And above all, Theo loves it, and he expels a lot of energy which makes my life a little easier when we do go home. (Today we got home at 12 and he's been asleep ever since...)

So that has been our life at the moment. I'm glad I've taken an active step into going out into my new community...lets see if I can keep it up!

Oh and in other news, the news I mentioned before (no no I'm not pregnant), just that Rob has a new job. He also finishes his old job this Saturday, and has three weeks until he starts his new one! Hooray, some time off, and a better job that is closer to where we live and hopefully (fingers doubly crossed) better hours and maybe even weekends.....?


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