Happy Birthday Daddy!

Today is Rob's birthday! He has reached the tender age of 23, what a good age right?

I am amazed that he has achieved so much already, and has taken to parenthood so naturally, and is, in my opinion, a pretty darn good daddy. I don't know if my 22 year old self could have done the same...

But onwards and upwards, I'm looking forward to spending another year learning, laughing, growing, loving, sharing and creating happy memories with you and as a family this next year. I hope it's a good one and I can do for you all that you do for me!

Lots of Love dear Robert, hope you have a wonderful day (with me)

today we plan to have a little mini date and go off to the cinema in the middle of the day to watch Drive. Then meet with his parents for a curry. Sounds good.


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