A weekend by the sea

hiyaaa, I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! Mine was really good, and unexpected!

On Friday I was feeling pretty low, as my eyes were still giving me loads of trouble, I went to the doctors and they said I had viral conjunctivitis, and gave me antibiotics. I felt like I didn't really want to go outside as my eyes looked horrible, all red and puffy and weeping..so I stayed in. I think that everything just caught up with me, all the weeks of not much sleep, and in a harsh way some of the buzz of having a newborn baby has gone now, so I started to feel a bit down.

When Rob got back from work he suggested that we go and see my mum, I really wanted to but it's such a long drive and my eyes were really playing me up, so we decided to go to Rob's Grandmas by the seaside. We got there about 10 in the evening and pretty much went to bed.

The next day we had a lovely cooked breakfast then went into town to look at the shops. It was such a nice day, and Rob and I went to the seafront, had ice-creams and sat and watched all the people walking their dogs. Theo slept for the whole time, and it felt really nice to finally spend some quality time with Rob. I can't wait for Theo to get older and really appreciate going to visit his great-grandparents and spend time by the seaside!

The next morning we got up early to go to a car boot sale. It was my first car boot sale of the year, but was pretty small and rubbish, so I was ever so slightly disappointed.

 We were staying for sunday lunch and Rob's uncle, aunty and cousins were coming round. Theo was so good all weekend, and he was just giving smiles away. I'm so glad that he seems to be ok when we got and stay with other people and it doesn't seem to unsettle him too much. It was also great to have a break, and have someone to hand Theo over to, after all week of having him by myself, it is such a relief!

 Anyway, after lunch we drove home, and some friends from Uni came over to meet Theo. Seeing Uni friends make me think about how much my life has changed since finishing, it seems like so long ago now!

My friend Holly lent me her baby book "The new contented baby" by Gina Ford, to help with getting Theo into a routine. So this evening we are trying to put it into action. As soon as Rob got home from work he gave him a bath. Then I gave him a massage and gave him a really long feed. He is currently still crying. I know the first night is supposed to be the hardest, but I truely feel mean again. But hopefully by following this routine he will sleep through the night, which let me tell you, would be bloody amazing!

Right anyway that's all for now. So I had a lovely weekend, including my first ever mothers day (eek I'm a mother now!) Theo bought me a bunch of lovely flowers!


  1. Can't actually wait to see you this weekend! and Theo of course! And Rob too! Glad you had a nice weekend and sorry again for not making it down the weekend before last :( xxxx

  2. Also I am loving the photos. iPhone was definitely a good buy! xxx

  3. Teignmouth Pier! And I recognise the car boot sale too, we were there the week before. It looked so promising from the outside, but turned out to be a disappointment.

  4. yeh that's exactly what i thought about the car boot sale! oh well plenty more to come hopefully!


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