The shopping list

Yesterday we had another antenatal class. This one was dealing with 'life with a newborn' and a lady came in with her 7 week old baby to answer all of our questions about having a baby. Surprisingly for me, I asked loads of questions, they just kept on coming in to my head. It was really useful actually, and it sort of just made me realise that hopefully you will pick up how to do things along the way, and that no-body has a complete knowledge of how to look after a baby, you just have to learn as you go along. I think the most important thing is just to learn with your baby, and let them teach you in a way how to do things, like when they want to feed, when they are tired, when they need to be entertained, when they need to be changed etc...

One of the main things I have been worried about is what I still need to buy, which is basically everything! I went through the clothes that I have already bought, and realised that I don't really have that many newborn things! I think I just need to get a pack of newborn sleep suits for the first couple of weeks. There are still the main things I need to sort out/buy such as moses basket, cot plus mattresses, pram, milk expressing all the little extras like cotton wool for cleaning, blankets, muslin cloths, nipple cream...etc etc..there is so much to think about!

But I found this really useful website that has everything set into categories, and a tick list so you can mark off when you get something! Somethings on there are obviously down to personal preference, such as dummies and other things but on the whole it's really useful!

I think that after we settle into the flat, and when I go on maternity leave, we are going to have to get everything sorted and ready. I would ideally like to have things ready before Christmas!

So if anyone else has any other tips on what essentials they have used and what to get or good deals then please let me know!


  1. Hi Abbi, Auntie Carole has a cot if you want it, it's in good order and has been in the family some time, let her know if you want it, lv Dad

  2. My cot? Wow... it really has done the rounds. That would be lovely.



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