Still a peach

So here is the little peach's face. It's still a peach as we couldn't find out the sex.

Once again it was being active, or as the midwife put it 'phenomenally active'. This meant that it made it pretty hard for her to take her measurements, and evidently impossible to tell the sex. She did however say that she thought it might look more like a boy, but she didn't want to say because she was quite unsure, so I don't think thats anything to go on. The problem was is that it kept its legs closed tightly together, and either the umbilical cord or its feet were in the way.

But at the end of the day it doesn't matter, we'll just have to wait and see, like a lot of people do, perhaps it will be an even bigger of a surprise, considering we were ready to know today, and now we have to wait until its born. The baby obviously wanted us to wait, so wait we will.

But it was so tense towards the end, I think I even clenched my fists in suspense when she was trying to look. She was juggling my stomach around and poking it try to make the baby move into the right position. I quite like it that it is really active and moving around a lot.

We got to see all the four chambers of its heart, its legs and feet and toes. Little hands and fingers, and the shape of its face properly. I think it has a sweet little nose.


I will scan in the rest of the photos tomorrow, but they are all pretty much the same, as like before it never stayed in one position long enough to get good photos.

Everything is fine with it, with a strong heart. The only slight problem, which is pretty common apparently, is that it looks like it might have a cyst on its brain, but because I am young and a low risk pregnancy, it should go away after about 4 weeks, and is usually a thing related to it growing, so it's nothing to worry about. They are going to show the consultant tomorrow, and he will decide if I need to be scanned again, which could be in the next couple of weeks, but the midwife was pretty certain that there wouldn't be any need. So no need to panic!

But I shall keep you updated.

Right that's all for now, as I'm tired. Today has been an exciting day. And we have just got back from having dinner at a pub, where the food was lovely, and I had the most, actually the most amazing tasting blackberry sorbet, ever.


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